Page 55 - 914INC - Q1 - 2013
P. 55
Anson Properties, LTD
Senior Director
Cushman & Wakefield, Inc.
“Every real
estate deal is a
chess game.”
William Anson can cut a deal. But he has a hard time talking about himself. “It’s not really my style,” says Anson, president of Anson Properties, LTD in White Plains. So, instead of regaling anyone who’d care to listen about why he excels at what he does, he prefers to just do what he does. Says Anson, who's been a commercial broker for 40 years, “I’ve always treated what I do with respect, as a full-time job and career. I’m not that person that came into the business because I got tired of being in some other business, [was] semi-retired, or wanted something else to do. I’d say I’m a lifer in this business, which can be the difference in reach- ing a level of success.”
His ability to connect with others also has helped him maintain his success, Anson believes. “I’d like to think that I’m humorous and get along with others. Being a real estate broker, you meet so many different types of people from
“I’m not going to
sleep until a
deal’s done.”
Yep, Glenn Walsh is a Gemini, all right, multi- ple personalities and all. Perhaps Sybil didn’t get much traction out of it, but Walsh believes that having more than one personality to call upon has helped him ring up his share of deals. “In business, you have to have different types of per- sonalities for all of the different types of people you deal with,” explains Walsh, senior direc- tor at Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. “Sometimes you have to be
different walks of life, back- grounds, cultures, wealth, and power status. It’s such a diversified community of customers that, as a broker, you need to be able to adjust very quickly.”
Apparently, he’s rea- sonably nimble. Over four decades, Anson says he’s made deals with a number of the same customers four
or five, and as many as eight to 10, times. “In Westchester County, I’ve probably sold or leased the same building multiple times.”
Besides being a hard worker and fervently devoted to his work, Anson sees himself as a “team guy. I’ve made very few enemies. I’ve pretty much gotten along with everyone. I’ve had work relationships with the other brokerage offices and have established work habits. I care; people know I give their needs priority.”
They also know that he has two other integral quali- ties: “I can hear—which most people can do—but I’m also able to listen. So when [a client] works with me, they know their time isn’t going to be wasted. I’m not the type of person to throw everything against the wall and hope something sticks. I’m very focused, and I pay attention to what people’s needs are and deliver.”
Furthermore, he believes the fact that he’s at ease with himself and can carry on a sincere conversation goes a long way with customers. “My personality’s very real.”
As is his affection for the industry. “I don’t just really love the business, I enjoy it. I love the art of negotiating and I get great personal satisfaction out of winning the chess game. Every real estate deal’s a chess game.”
Which, it seems, he’d sooner play instead of harping on about how good he is at it.
hard, sometimes you have to be soft, and sometimes you have to be light. It’s never the same because you confront different situations and have to take a different look at each one.”
For instance, Walsh played it tough with one client who had no reservations about telling him exactly how frustrated he was with him. “I was trying to buy a build- ing from him, but he didn’t want to sell. Every time I’d