Page 31 - 2019 Westchester Economic Development Guide
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For those seeking their ideal, any ideal, New Rochelle, NY, just 30 minutes from
the heart of Manhattan, is where a heritage of originality, refreshed perspectives,
and a culture of inclusion, creates New York's next great place.
New Rochelle has launched the most ambitious plan for growth in the history
of the Hudson Valley. Accelerated by a new, fast—tracl< zoning process, the
new Master Development initiative will enhance the downtown area by
boosting job creation, property values and private investment — while
enhancing sustainability through green and energy-efficient design.
Nationally recognized planning and design experts helped map out New
Roche||e’s unparalleled plan for growth. The city will soon benefit from a
surge in new retail, commercial, office and hotel space - combined with
economically diverse, high-quality housing. A phased implementation will
ensure sustainable, high-quality growth for years to come.
Standing a generation ahead of New York City, New Rochelle is already a
wired city in the adoption of new business—friendly technologies. With rapidly
advancing technology and a burgeoning arts district, the city is primed to
emerge as a central hub for the innovation and gig economies. A promising
new partnership with NYC tech initiatives is advancing the creation of labs
that nurture the expansion of virtual reality and artificial intelligence.
Enriching the community starts with listening to local residents. New
Roche|le's downtown development initiative attracted crowdsourced
“p|ace—making” ideas from more than a thousand voices — and the final
plan incorporated more than a hundred of these ideas.