Page 21 - Stuff Made and Built in Delaware 2020
P. 21

                   Manufacturing, Construction, Health Care, Financial Services 4 SECTORS IN NEED OF NEW TALENT
  F or decades, popular belief was that a four-year college degree is the only viable path to a successful career. Many parents steered their children away from work in the trades, resulting in a shortage of skilled workers.
Thankfully, attitudes have been changing, and demand for career and technical education (CTE) is on the upswing. The fact is, CTE tracks in high schools create a viable path to a successful career in the trades. What’s more, many common
misconceptions about working in the trades are just that: misconceptions.
In the pages that follow, we take a closer look at some of Delaware’s fastest-growing sectors: manufacturing, construction,
health care and financial services. We examine the professions poised for growth in each of these sectors, and lay to rest common myths about why students shouldn’t try to pursue these careers.
We hope you find each article informative and thought-provoking, and that we can help you start some important conversations with your children about a possible future in the trades. | STUFF P19

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