Page 7 - Tree Line - North Carolina Forestry Association - Second Quarter 2020
P. 7

1600 Glenwood Ave., Suite I Raleigh, NC 27608
(919) 834-3943 / (800) 231-7723 Fax: (919) 832-6188
Perry Hunt
Doug Burleson
John E. Hatcher, Jr., Ph.D., CF
Todd Adams Chris Logan
“It is teamwork that remains
the ultimate competitive
advantage, both because it
is so powerful and so rare.”
– Patrick Lencioni
Iwas honored to accept the Carolina Loggers Association’s (CLA) Political Activist Award on behalf of the North Carolina
Forestry Association (NCFA). The award speaks volumes to the NCFA’s aim of being the “Voice of Forestry.”
Much like other aspects of the
association, our advocacy efforts involve
a tremendous amount of teamwork
in order to be successful. The NCFA
is certainly grateful for the help that
our members and partners, like the
CLA, provide to ensure that the forest
products industry is both profitable and
sustainable. The theme of CLA’s Annual
Meeting this year was “Let’s Make
Logging Profitable Together” — a theme that could not be timelier.
Many of the pictures featured alongside this column since the launch of the new TreeLine magazine embody the above quote by Patrick Lencioni. But the picture above, featuring CLA’s Executive Director Ewell Smith, paints a larger picture of two associations understanding that it will take every aspect of the forestry supply chain, utilizing specific strengths and working together, to move the forest products sector forward. The entire wood supply chain is collaborating to tackle transportation, workforce and regulatory issues that have the potential to hinder our growth if we are not proactive.
The theme of the 2020 NCFA Annual Meeting is “First in Forestry.” In this issue of TreeLine, you will find articles that feature almost every aspect of the forestry supply chain, while tracing the roots of forestry back to its inception in western North Carolina — the birthplace of modern forest management in the United States.
I hope you enjoy reading about the rich history of forestry in western North Carolina and how some of the earlier harvesting methods are still being utilized today. And remember, the relationships and teamwork that were required to make forestry great then are even more essential today.
In Forestry,
John E. Hatcher, Jr., Ph.D., CF
NCFA Executive Director
Jadie Andrews Stacy Bentley Keith Biggs Blair Bishop Scott Bissette Jay Boyette Andrew Casey Chris Charest Clay Creed Chuck Daniels Rudy Daughtry Rett Davis
Tony Doster Tripp Dowling Rob Elliot Bruce Evans Ashley Faircloth David Gadd Brett Goulding Jason Hoyle Dylan Hurley Lynn Jenkins David Johnson A.J. Keating Lauren Killian
Arturo Lumpkin James Mathis
Boyd McLaurin Mark Megalos Roger Melvin
Zack Myers
Russ Newton
Wib Owen
Mike Patram
Henry Randolph Jim Reavis
Bernard Rose
Glenn Sheehan Jacob Shuford
Scott Smearman Alexander Storm Marshall Thompson Nancy Thompson Cierra Ward
Lacy White
Allen Whitesell Jimmy Williams Jocelyn Wilson Andy Wolgemuth Lori Worley
NCFA Executive Director Dr. John Hatcher receives the Carolina Loggers Association’s Advocacy Award at the 2020 CLA Annual Meeting. (l-r) Ewell Smith, Dr. John Hatcher and Chip Capps.

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