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 Tilton Awards 2019
An Evening to Remember
Delaware’s health care community gathered on the evening           recipient: Nicholas J. Petrelli, MD, FACS, the Medical
Director of the Helen F. Graham Cancer Center & Research Institute.
The gala took place at the Tilton Mansion, home of the University & Whist Club, and more than 100 friends, family, colleagues, and         
Each year, a select group of Medical Society of Delaware physicians, members of the Tilton Mansion Preservation Society, and the University & Whist Club meets to decide who will be chosen as the Tilton Award recipient. This committee has a challenging task, as the criteria for this esteemed award are rigorous.
To be considered, the candidate must be a leader with vision, have an innovative and pioneering spirit, be highly focused
on advancing the profession of medicine, and have a life-long commitment to service for the betterment of patients, community, and the nation. The candidate must also be highly principled
         candidate must be a member of the Medical Society of Delaware           the award is named for.
Dr. Petrelli more than lived up to the criteria. Among his many
career, he is credited with helping take the State of Delaware from number one in cancer mortality to number 18 during his tenure at the Helen Graham Cancer Center, where he oversees the state’s largest and most technologically advanced cancer program.
This year, an honorary Tilton Award was presented posthumously to the late William H. Duncan, MD for his tireless service to
his country and the practice of medicine. Dr. Duncan, a Past President of the Medical Society of Delaware and former Vice
Left to Right: MSD President Andrew W. Dahlke, MD; 2019 Tilton Award Recipient Nicholas J. Petrelli, MD, FACS; 2018 Tilton Award Recipient Stephen R. Permut, MD, JD
Del Med J | November/December 2019 | Vol. 91 | No. 6

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