Page 10 - Delaware Medical Journal - May/June 2020
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   for regular conference calls with DPH leaders, providing the opportunity to ask questions directly of our public health leaders. An FAQ fact sheet is available after each call.
MSD joins in planning calls with Governor Carney, DHSS, DPH, and leaders of the hospital systems across the state. We also participate in discussions of testing concerns and planning.
Protecting health care workers and preserving PPE is of concern since
we began our battle with COVID-19.
An existing solution was the use of telemedicine, so MSD advocated for the    
of telemedicine regulations. MSD has created telemedicine guidelines to help members understand the technology’s use. While we have accomplished safer       billing and reimbursement processes for telemedicine use, this only applies to the commercial insurance plans in the state. Considering the need for consistency in telemedicine use, MSD is working with Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester, as well as other state leaders and insurance plans, to support changes in self-insured plans during this crisis. MSD’s health IT subsidiary, Health Hub, vetted several telemedicine vendors, providing guidance to choose and implement these services in your practice.
MSD has also assisted independent practices with timely information on       opportunities. We held discussions with the leaders of the Delaware State Chamber    
challenges being faced by community
physicians who are following recommended protocols, resulting in a dramatic loss of revenue caused by this crisis.
At the time of this writing, discussions
to urge immunity provisions during
this time of crisis. Health care workers are putting their lives at risk to care for patients, which is no time to worry about legal actions.
All of this has culminated in a dedicated Coronavirus Resource page on the
MSD website, providing comprehensive information on recommended guidelines. To access the page, go to https://tinyurl. com/MSDCOVID19.
During times like this, stress and worry takes its toll on all of us. MSD has also shared information on its free,     manned by volunteer psychiatrists to help all physicians manage through the COVID-19 pandemic. If you need help, call 1-888-409-0141.
Many physician practices are struggling
to meet the needs of patients and staff
as they confront worsening revenue shortages resulting from deferred visits and procedures as part of the effort to conserve PPE and support social distancing protocols. Many physicians have had to      operations and furloughing staff even while treating COVID-19 cases. Some practices have even been forced to close.
The passage of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) was a step in preserving the health care infrastructure during the coronavirus crisis and beyond. MSD
has been at the forefront of providing Delaware physicians with timely information about the CARES Act.
In an April 15 letter, MSD joined other state and national medical societies
and the American Medical Association
in urging Congress to take additional steps to protect patient access to care
by preserving the viability of physician practices. Small practices, which are less able to access capital, were at risk, as well as large physician practices that were ineligible for the expanded small business loans in the CARES Act. The letter to Congress recommended authorization
interest-free loans along with other mechanisms for physician practices of all sizes to ensure they can remain viable and ready to serve the patient population. A $484 billion supplement to the CARES Act has since been approved, providing additional funds for small businesses, hospitals, and for coronavirus testing.
At the time of this writing, we have not
yet reached the peak of COVID-19 nor         there is still more work ahead, even
when Delaware begins to rebound. MSD continues to advocate for you during this tough time so that you remain viable. I
      Delaware will lead through this crisis. This is an opportunity to work together and demonstrate the strengths of the medical profession. Together, we will triumph.
Joseph J. Straight, MD
President, Medical Society of Delaware
Del Med J | May/June 2020 | Vol. 92 | No. 3

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