Page 16 - Delaware Medical Journal - July/August 2019
P. 16

  Your Opinion Matters: The Debate Over Physician-Assisted Suicide/Medical Aid in Dying Continues
 Andrew W. Dahlke, MD
In response to our membership’s ongoing debate on the subject of Physician-Assisted Suicide/Medical
Aid in Dying, the Medical Society of Delaware recently conducted a short, two-question survey to better gauge membership feeling on the topic.
The survey was emailed on May 31, 2019 to all physician members with an email
sent. Two additional reminders were sent over the next two weeks. The survey closed on June 14, 2019. Altogether, 308 physician members participated in the survey (31% participation rate).
    The Medical Society of Delaware (MSD) currently       Physician-Assisted Suicide/Medical Aid in Dying. Please choose which
best describes your opinion on MSD’s current position, the results showed just under 60% of the participants (59.74%)     position of opposition. Slightly over 40% (40.26%) did not support MSD’s current position.
Those who said they did not support
provided with a second question, You answered that you do not support MSD’s
Del Med J | July/August 2019 | Vol. 91 | No. 4

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