Page 28 - Georgia Forestry - Winter2017
P. 28
Legislative Playbook
Georgia Forestry Association’s Guide to Forest Advocacy in the 154th Georgia General Assembly
Since 1907, the Georgia Forestry Association (GFA) has been the primary advocate for the state’s working forests, forest-based businesses and all who depend on them. In
order to protect land, business and manufacturing assets throughout the state, the Association strategically focuses much of its efforts on the Georgia General Assembly.
The Field:
Under the Gold Dome
The Georgia General Assembly is one of the largest state legislatures in the nation, com- posed of a 56-member Senate and a 180-member House of Representatives. The Republican party currently holds the majority in both chambers. On January 9, the first session of the 154th Georgia General Assembly reconvened. The session will last 40 legislative days with a projected end date in mid-March.