Page 21 - Georgia Forestry - Spring 2020
P. 21
By Rachel Wallenstein
A t first glance, Georgia State Representa- tive Derrick Jackson and International Paper Fiber Specialist Alex Singleton don’t have much in common with each other. Singleton is a self-proclaimed “outdoor dude” who grew up in rural South Carolina. Jackson grew up in New York City, where hunting is a rather uncommon pursuit. Yet, as different as these two men may be, they have known each other for 26 years. Their wives were childhood best-friends-turned-so- rority-sisters, leading Jackson and Singleton to become
good friends.
The two friends had a chance to catch up at the 2020
Forestry Day at the Georgia Capitol in February. Sitting in a board room across the street from the Capitol building, they didn’t miss a beat, laughing and finishing each other’s sentences.
Jackson explained how he became interested in forestry as a result of his friendship with Singleton, saying, “I knew absolutely nothing about forestry until I met Alex. Over the years, I discovered that I took forestry and all that it pro- vides for granted. I suppose it is not unusual for someone who grew up in a city full of skyscrapers.“ Rep. Jackson added that what he enjoyed most about Singleton when they met decades ago was exactly this different perspec- tive of the natural world — one which clearly was in stark contrast from his youth in New York City. “Alex’s passion for working forests rubbed off on me,” Jackson continued,
Rep. Derrick Jackson and Alex Singleton
of Forestry | 19