Page 2 - Chester County's Brandywine Valley - 2020 Tourism Guide
P. 2

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ll the events Phoemxvllle -, .. 5"
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' tFriday? Check. Blobfest C 9 f‘<- -’ .
Fwsd 1- uck Festival? Chhheeeeck. ,-_ «;..,.r —
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At‘ 5» ‘A, - 3‘
  ‘ ‘ .~ FirstFridayiarcanopcn DuyuulikeIapancsc?Wc'vcg0tlhat.GrCck7
“-' 3,; V. ' mvxtaliun N>cL)Ineappx‘eC1ate We've utlhatluu 'I‘l1a|,French fnsxumltalnan,
/ _ (heartsmPhoenixvillelwitha Mexican,Gastm~puhIarc,Irishcuisinc. 4:‘  ~4~
3 ‘ 6"’ ,A. background oflive music and Sou(hwest—inspn'e-d American,we've ' 7 " _ V‘. :*
7 .~ 3 “_A~' ‘ emcrtainment,ax-rist:,arti<uncrafrers, goritaIl.P|uscnl‘r’eo,ice cream,  ‘
‘F n _- and uxllurebased Vendors wxll shuwnaae and Ihebesl chocolate shop In :: ' r_ \ J
their talent on Arlisu‘ Row, and W111 I’ennsy1vania,..axId that's offimah ‘Q - ‘
. ' hf; -
complementourlncredlble brIck—and—mortar . _ ‘ .
shopsaml buutiqncsinthcHistoric Butifyou think our events, ~«A_,,_ ’ —
Downtown.IoinuscvcryFirsrFridayofthC realzlurnnts,shup:,anL1bI'cvvene5 x ' ‘ _ K
month from May through October, ur smp by are awesome, just want umil yuu ‘-\‘, j_ 
and check out one ofnur incredible festivals meet our people. lfynu make u through
happening thrnughnut the year. We really do Phocnixvillc w1lh0I1lmL‘cting Maynr Peter
have events 101' every season. Urscheler, you haven't flayed long enough.
Mayor Unulueler 15 the physical embudlmem
Don't just come for the events, stick around ufour town » warm, welcoming, and ,1‘
for awhile and get to know our town. Named Inclnswe 0! an. :
hyFurhcsasr|'dcstinati0n»hrcwI:1ylocation,’ ,._ - _ S“
“  Phuunlxvullc 15 home mzxlhnving mu’: scene, Colnev|51l,;1nd\/vetII1lIkyuu'|lagree L  ‘_ ;_ ' .
‘-_ _ _ amhm'1'eLlil)le award-winmngbeen and Plmenixville has the absolute best ,_ ' _r,‘,?<,,"___::x-.11 f5‘
, 1 V ’  wlnskeys. And thefood?Tup-notch. therels to offer. ‘ f’, 4 “. '
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