Page 7 - DCA - Construction Excellence Awards 2020
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                                                     2020 CONSTRUCTION EXCELLENCE AWARDS
 We have the right mix to so your banking needs
You don’t have to be a big company to get the perfect mix of first-class financial pro and services. Artisans’ Bank specializes in meeting the needs of local businesses, a we can provide a total financial service solution for you. When you become our client,
to know you, your business and your goals. And you get to know what an advantage have a relationship with a local bank that cares as much about your success as you
Visit our website to see what we can do for you.
We have the right mix to your banking needs
Y o u d o n ’ t h a v e t o b e a b i g c o m p a n y t o g e t t h e p e r f e c t m i x o f f i r s t - c l a s s f i n a n c Yi ao l u p d r o o n d ’ t u h c at vs e t o b e a b i g c o m p a n y t o g e t t h e
perfect mix of first-class financial products and and services. Artisans’ Bank specializes in meeting the needs of local businesses, and
services. Artisans’ Bank specializes in meeting the we can provide a total financial service solution for you. When you become our client, we get
to know you, your business and your goals. And you get to know what an advantage it is to
financial service solution for you. When you become
h a v e a r e l a t i o n s h i p w i t h a l o c a l b a n k t h a t c a r e s a s m u c h a b o u t y o u r s u c c e s s a o s u r y c o l i u e n d t o , w. e g e t t o k n o w y o u , y o u r b u s i n e s s a n d
We have the right mix to
solve your banking needs
Visit our website to see what we can do for you.
Visit our website to see what we can do for you.
your goals. And you get to know what an advantage it is to have a relationship with a local bank that cares as much about your success as you do.
Commercial Lending Offices:
302.884.6885 (New Castle County) 302.674.1754 (Kent County) 302.296.0153 (Sussex County)
needs of local businesses, and we can provide a total
Solenis World Headquarters
The EDiS renovation of the A-2 site for Solenis converted a 1960s lab building into a world-class facility for industrial water treatment. This is Solenis’ World Headquarters and they required an environmentally sustainable décor that was both practical yet sophisticated. The renovation of the exterior façade creates the gateway
for their clients. EDiS credits their success to frequent meetings with the architects and clients as well as ensuring all the trades coordinated
l av n d e c o o p e r a t e d d u r i n g t h e r e n o v a t i o n p r o c e s s . The project scope included a full gym,
loads of technology. The work of the EDiS team made the Solenis World Headquarters a place where both employees and visitors can truly understand the company’s mission.
ducts nd
we get it is to do.
enettes on each floor, open spaces and

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